I love sport. I like that feeling when I’m tired after every training and that satisfaction when I learned something new but sometimes everyone need a short break. After the last World Cup event in Sort which was my ninth competition in the last ten weeks me and Zosia made two days off from kayaking and we went to Barcelona.

We were sightseeing Park Guell which is famous from Gaudi’s benches and we saw the Sagrada Familia church, but we didn’t see it from the inside. Queue was so long and we didn’t want to wait a couple hours to buy a tickets. By the way this place is still not finished but it is a chance that Sagrade Familia will be ready in 2027, so maybe it is a good idea to wait a little bit and finaly see more.

We spent all day in Barcelona and started our journey to Cunovo where we will train before European Championships. Of course it would be too easy and boring to go straight to the destination point so we made different plan of our trip.

From the capital of Catalonia we went to Millau where we were trainging for a three days. Zosia finally had enough time to paddle more in the Dagger Jitsu 5.5 and try different moves. She was competing on that boat in Sort and made fifth place in K1W but in Millau she fell in love in that boat. Zosia started to go really huge. Every loop and space godzilla was looking really good and better than in her old boat. I enjoyed making photos of Zosia’s huge aerial moves.

When Zosia was having fun with her new boat I was working on some new moves and combos. The French paddler Sebastien Devred showed us during the World Cup in Millau how important is a trophy move (woo tricky), so I decided to learn that move too.

After three days and five training sessions in Millau we went to Gui-Gui Prod place where my new freestyle gun was waiting for me. It’s a new black and blue carbon Jitsu 5.9. That kayak looks sick and I can’t wait to try it in Cunovo.

From Carmaux we started our way to Cunovo through … Italy. Why Italy? We asked ourselves in that way when we paid more than seventy euro for highways. But destination point was a big award. We were in Venezia. We didn’t ask anyone or try to find information is kayaking there is illegal. We took our boats and paddled into city center. A lot of people where surprised. Maybe they didn’t see so short kayaks so far or maybe we were the first kayakers there from a long time.

We spent magical five hours paddling in wide and sometimes very narrow streets of Venezia. We must to be focused on the main streets which were really crowded. A lot of small and sometimes very big boats were going in different directions very close to each other. For me very funny was fact that they have the traffic lights on a few intersections.

We finished our kayak trip in Venezia when the night came. Our way back to the place where we left our car wasn’t easy. We didn’t have any light what means that we could me invisible for other boats, but fortunately we had to paddle only a few minutes without the light from the street lamps. That was the best sightseeing in my life because I was there with Zosia and we were paddling :)