Cantabria, one of the best winter whitewater destinations in Spain. When the winter starts in Sort, all the rivers run dry, the cold gets into your bones and the snow starts falling, so it’s time to move and lets chase some whitewater! The season in Cantabria starts with the first snow, so we decided to go and run some classic rivers.
Here is a little edit of our weekend in cantabria! with some good levels, good lines and some beatering! Huge thanks to Iker Gonzalez for show us the lines! gracias Elena Plancheria per els videos!!! Iker Carreto Salvat brothers Ian Salvat Cuevas Palm Equipment Pyranha Kayaks Predator Water and Air helmets Double Dutch Paddles Milyun Clothes Watershed Drybags
Posted by Ian Salvat Cuevas on Tuesday, 21 November 2017
First we went to the Gándara river. The Gandara has becomes one of my favourites rivers in Spain! With a lot of drops, slides and a huge class 5 rapid named the Paso Pasote, that means something like super steep move … and yes it is!
Ian at the top of the Paso Pasote
That’s the view from the bottom
After a few laps in the Gándara we moved to a perfect ten metre waterfall, Tobalina Falls. This drop is a park and huck, where you can do hundreds laps in a day. You can boof by the main line or tuck it, then you can run by the left, and it becomes in a perfect ninetey degrees fall … it’s perfect to practice!
And if you loose the water you always can go to the beach and take some waves! Make sure to look the waves before enter, 2.5 m are big waves, trust me!