This past spring we rediscovered a new waterfall near Sort which had already been dropped but forgotten … what we saw was amazing! A short section with a couple of rapids ending with a ten metre waterfall that falls into a lake (depending on how full the lake is drop increases or decreases its height). A great section to spend a morning or a very fun afternoon doing laps with friends.

How to get there

To get to the waterfall from Sort, head in the direction of Vielha. The journey is about one-and-a-half hours through a spectacular landscape. A good option is to tick off this drop as you are leaving Sort to paddle the rivers of Aragon.

When to go

The season when this section works well is in the spring, depending on the rain and the heat can last more or less. but months would be from the end of March to the middle of May.

Water levels

It is difficult to know when the section is perfect (we have only been there once) but I can say that it is possible to run it on many different levels. You can enter from the top of the section or if there is a lot of water, just at the lip of the waterfall. As the spring progresses, the lake fills up and makes the waterfall decrease in height  so then you’ll also have the perfect jump to practice some tricks.

Thanks to Jordi Rulló for the photos.