Now is a good time to take stock of your gear, make sure it’s in good shape for the spring season to come, and run a few repairs to help your favourite jacket go the extra mile. Here are some quick and easy maintenance tips …

We all know the enemies of long-lived gear are grit, thorns and other sharp things; sunlight (ultraviolet); mud and damp; and saltwater corrosion – so our advice for most things is …

  • Rinse your gear in fresh water after you’ve used it, and give it a quick inspection for dirt or grit that might need a more thorough wash. (We recommend Grangers Performance Wash)
  • Put your gear away dry. Avoid leaving your gear in the sun too long.
  • Hang your gear up in a dry, well-ventilated place while you are not using it.
  • If you aren’t able to hang your gear up, avoid stacking things on top, or folding zips, foam or neoprene (left this way for a long time they can become compressed and creased).

You should make regular checks on your safety equipment. Every time you put away or take out your PFD, throwline, leash or helmet to paddle, give it the once-over.

Check out our care guides for more detail on looking after your; PFDs, helmets, throwlines, waterproof outerwear, latex seals, waterproof socks and waterproof zips.

A stitch in time (or a small blob of glue) can save nine, so if you have a mind for a DIY fix, we supply a range of parts and spares that you can order through your local paddlesport store – parts for your boats and for your Palm gear. But when it comes to repairing your gear, our customer service department cannot be beaten … so get in touch with us if we can help you with one of our repair services; from replacing a neck gasket to adding a new pair of socks, a new zip or pressure testing your suit.