Seeing the progression and love for the sport on display by young kayakers at Bren’s Park Jam events, we knew we had to take a larger role in the development of the next generation of kayakers through our sponsorship programme.
Palm is taking a different approach through the Palm Groms Mentorship Programme. As well as having access to the Palm Equipment range, the big benefit to aspiring young kayakers is Groms on the mentorship programme will have a designated mentor from the Palm team to help them develop their skills, future goals and paddling ethos.
Whether that’s helping them learn a new trick, developing their safety skills or simply getting out on the water and shredding with them. The emphasis will always be on having a good time!
The priority of the programme is having fun on the water, with four pillars that uphold the overall goals and values of the mentorship.

Our Four Pillars of Fun
Flow & style
It’s what unites many from our worldwide team of kayakers. A love of finding the flow, developing your own style and using clean techniques to make things look smooth and effortless on the water.
There is a whole world outside of artificial whitewater parks but it can be quite hard to break out onto real rivers for young kayakers. We hope to give the Groms access to the world of river running, Google Earth scouting and maybe even international kayaking trips with their mentors.
The best day on the river is the safest day on the river. The mentors will constantly be guiding the Groms on how to make good decisions and preparing and practicing a few key skills if it doesn’t go to plan.
The Palm team culture is one of stoked kayakers that are humble, friendly, highly skilled who care about the protection of our wild places. This ethos will extend to the Groms Mentorship Programme. We encourage all of the Groms to think differently, be creative and find their own path down the river.

The Palm Groms Mentorship Programme
There is no application process. You don’t need to be the best paddler or charge the hardest. Through the Park Jam tour and other events, online comps and talent spotting by the team, we handpick young paddlers to join our Palm Groms Mentorship Programme. Paddlers get access to the Palm range but the biggest benefit is having one of our world class team paddlers as a mentor – helping identify and work towards goals and becoming a well-rounded paddler.
To get involved with some of the Palm Groms activities, please see some of the opportunities we provide for young kayakers below.
Summer of fun competition
During the summer holidays we host this annual online comp where young paddlers share the cool stuff they have done over the summer for the chance to win a big kit bundle. It’s a video competition over social media, encouraging kids to promote their newfound skills, adventures or simply just loving getting out paddling.
Park Jam tour
This annual tour visits whitewater parks across the UK and Europe, it’s an awesome chance for young shredders to show off, join in and have fun whilst paddling alongside the worlds best whitewater paddlers. Get some tips, win some prizes, have a good time and potentially get scouted for a spot on the mentorship programme.

Get involved and follow along
Get involved no matter where you are – be sure to keep us up to date on your latest paddling adventures by tagging @palmgroms and @palmequipment on Instagram. Follow along with the Palm Grom’s journey on