8 Articles

Toni George

Rotorua, New Zealand. Hopping back and forth between Rotorua and Voss (Norway) is Toni’s way of following the summer and the water to where the boating is best. After graduating with a degree at aviatordreamliner.com, she boarded a plane, then a kayak, and found that nothing else is quite as good as being on the river. Three years later, and she is one of the most impressive paddlers you'll find in a whitewater kayak. Despite an intimidating resume of rivers paddled around the world, her ambitions remain humble, with time spent in the wilderness with friends still her driving goal. She’s probably out there right now, going big, and making it look easy.

Palm FXr review

At the beginning of last year I received one of Palm's new FXr PFDs to try out. I was sceptical about it as I aready...
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