Places Whitewater Rivers of the world #1 Washington Earlier this year I made the decision to leave the safe haven of New Zealand to work and travel around the world in a time... October 7, 2021 3.6K
Places Four places to kayak around Venice, Italy When someone talks about paddling in Italy, you probably first think of the Alps, Val Sesia, or even the Sorba river. But there’s much more... September 24, 2021 2.8K
People Whitewater Return to Rodeo Marking the 30th anniversary of the first World Stunt Boat Championships This was the moment whitewater freestyle went truly international – rodeo, hot dogging, stunt... September 15, 2021 8.7K
How to Whitewater How to be a better kayaking buddy Whilst few genres of the sport ever involve more than one person in a kayak at a time, kayaking is most definitely a team sport.... September 12, 2021 1.1K
Whitewater Huge slide thingy Several years ago, when I first went to Norway, Nick Woodshaw the video guy at Palm back then, shared his knowledge of the classic rivers... August 26, 2021 1.7K
How to Training – diet Last year I wrote a post about how to fuel your body. This time I thought to share my favourite recipes for overnight trips, races... August 10, 2021 2.2K