Gear Product recall: Palm Rescue PFDs since Nov 2017 Models and batches affected Rescue 850 PFD : PO#21001628 & PO#21001778 Rescue 800 PFD : PO# 21001628 Rescue 700 PFD : PO#21001778 Issue A production... February 16, 2018 50K
Events Whitewater Come raft racing in 2018! Got mates? A sense of humour? Willing to get wet and wild? Then this is the perfect team event for you … welcome to raft... February 13, 2018 7.5K
People Ladies ‘lean in’ in kayaking (and life) Recently, there have been a lot of articles in the wake of the #MeToo campaign highlighting abusive and sexist experiences, even in the world of... February 13, 2018 10.8K
How to Five books that have made me better at kayaking I have always been a bookworm, whenever I have had any sort of question, problem or need, I have turned to books. Over the last... February 12, 2018 4.5K
How to Whitewater Packing for a multi-day in Peru If you have never done a multi-day, Peru is the best place to go, you have rivers of different styles and levels of multi-days from... February 5, 2018 4.2K
Places Whitewater Balkan Rivers Tour destination guide – part 5 Montenegro (continued…) Even though construction of a tiny hydro power plant at the source of Morača has begun in 2008, Morača remains one of a... February 1, 2018 3.6K