How to Whitewater Save yourself from sketchy situations A lot of time when we talk about ‘safety on the river’ peoples minds are drawn to heroic images of throw bags spiralling across the... October 27, 2017 4.8K
How to Life, river, balance: diet As whitewater evolves, paddlers are looking for ways to improve their performance on the water – so here are some ways to get you feeling... October 26, 2017 3.9K
Gear Thermals – are you doing it right? Winter is coming, you’ve splashed out on a new cag or drysuit. But will they keep you warm? The short answer – no! Dry outerwear... October 25, 2017 5.1K
Places Whitewater Whitewater in the Philippines Recently returning from a seven-week trip to Luzon, the British Universities Kayak Expedition (BUKE) team report on their findings and share a few tips for... October 24, 2017 6.5K
Events Whitewater British, Club & Euro freestyle – the NSR for all ages! On the last weekend of September, over 130 paddlers met in Nottingham for a three-in-one event; the British Freestyle Championships, Club Championships and the European... October 24, 2017 4.1K
People Touring Paddle pickup As a sea kayaker I’ve experienced the front line of our epidemic of plastic refuse! For a long time I ignored the bottles, toothbrushes and... October 23, 2017 4.4K