How to Whitewater How do I become a freestyle paddler? There are plenty of reasons to get into freestyle; if you're a river runner, playboating skills will be very helpful to get you out if... April 9, 2016 3.5K
How to Places How to: plan a trip to the Baker Every year paddlers make their way from all over the world to Chile for whitewater adventures. While the rivers in the area between Santiago de... April 4, 2016 2.7K
Places Whitewater The spring water forecast Spring melt is coming, but where is the snowpack best? Simon, from Gene17 kayaking, gives us the lowdown on which rivers will be up, and when... April 1, 2016 2.4K
Events GalwayFest 2016 As with most great ideas, GalwayFest's conception took place in the early hours of the morning, fuelled by alcohol and friendship. From the drunken dreams... March 17, 2016 2.3K
Paddleboarding The SUP race season begins! The middle of January might not seem like the best time for a racing season to begin but for the last few years BaySUP (Bournemouth... January 25, 2016 1.7K
Places Whitewater Christmas in New Zealand In December I headed to New Zealand with Susan Doyle and Ultan O’Kane to paddle as many rivers as we could and see as much of the... January 14, 2016 1.4K