Whitewater Mission Meghalaya Descending through an otherwise inaccessible landscape is the biggest draw of an expedition for me. So when levels lined up for me and Nick Bennett... January 17, 2023 1.3K
How to Whitewater Destination guide – the Humla Karnali The Humla section of the Karnali river in remote western Nepal is an epic class 5 multi-day. Given its quality, difficulty, length and the variety... December 2, 2022 5.6K
Whitewater It’s not all rainbows and waterfalls I was nervous about this trip for a long time. The rivers of Veracruz, Mexico can be tough on your body, to say the least.... November 28, 2022 1.3K
Gear Top ten gifts for paddlers Not sure what to gift the paddlers in your life this holiday season? Check out this list of top ten gifts for paddlers – whether... November 11, 2022 3.9K
How to Whitewater Headspace Kayaking is a pretty demanding sport. Physically it is challenging and the amount of time you need to put into learning to kayak is mighty.... September 21, 2022 3.9K
Whitewater Surfing a wave indoors! I think this is the first time that kayaks have been allowed on this sort of wave. Big thanks to Andi at the Jochen Schweizer... September 15, 2022 1.8K